We are a private pay practice that is not ‘in-network’ for any insurance company at this time.
Depending on your state and insurance plan, some private insurance companies may offer reimbursement for speech tele-practice. Please directly contact your insurance company and inquire if they cover speech tele-practice. If so, please notify Your Personal SLP and we will provide statements called a ‘superbill’ for each service.
What is a superbill? A superbill is a standard form which health plans use to process claims. For the professional rendering services, it provides a time efficient means to document services, fees, codes, and other information required by insurance companies, (i.e., certification and licensure). Then, you may use this form to file for health plan payment.
We are accepting new clients. Our fees are competitive, please contact us directly for our fee schedule or reach out to us.
Your Personal SLP accepts payments via PayPal (credit card, bank account) through our SECURE website at our link, ‘Book Your Appointment.’